Other Purebreds (Scissoring)

11:15 am: Check-in and pre-judging
11:45 am: Contest Ring Closes

12:00 pm: Contest Starts
2:15 pm: Contest Ends / Final Judging
2:45 pm: Awards

Special note: Electricity will NOT be provided in the contest ring. You must supply your own cordless clippers where applicable.

(See WPA General Rules for more information about Divisions)

Contest Time Limit:
See below chart

Acceptable Breeds: (See specific breed list below)

BreedTime Allowed
Bedlington Terrier2:00
Bichon Frise2:00
Black Russian Terrier2:15
Bouvier des Flandres2:15
Irish Water Spaniel2:00
Kerry Blue Terrier2:00
Portuguese Water Dog2:00
Soft Coated Wheaten2:00

Acceptable Styling: Must be groomed to breed profile as presented in the conformation show ring. It is the responsibility of the show promoter and /or their designated judges to determine adequate coat growth.

• All styling must take place during the time frame of the competition except where noted below.
• All dogs must be groomed according to breed standard.
• All dogs may have sanitary and pads shaved prior to class start.
• All dogs may have nails trimmed and ears cleaned prior to class start.
• Finishing sprays are permissible in order to tidy up after the competition time frame ends however, re-shaping with water or product application is prohibited.
• Chalk products are permissible prior to and during the competition time frame but are prohibited after time is called.
• Other Purebreds must be styled as presented in the conformation show ring.

Prize Money

Division1st Place2nd Place3rd Place


Anne Francis
Owner, Grooming by Anne

Victor Rosado
Master Groomer, EDUGROOM

Shannon Tupes
Owner, Shannon Tupes LLC