The Fifteen Coat Types

While there has never been an official list of dog coat types for the grooming industry, maybe there ought to be! Jennifer has compiled a list, based on years of discussion with experts and industry leaders, that is helping to change the grooming industry and standardize what specific and separate grooming strategies are required for each of the 15 Coat Types. Each one has “Do’s and Don’ts” based on the scientific, genetic, and physical structure of the hair or fur of that type of dog. While individual dogs vary even within breeds, knowing what products, tools, and techniques are appropriate to the coat type in front of you is essential. Combination coats, that have the problems of both Fur and Hair, will also be addressed. After this seminar, you will be able to set yourself apart as the groomer who is an expert on differentiating coat types and, instead of treating them all the same, the groomer who gives each unique dog’s coat its proper care.

*This is a PGC badged course and is eligible for 4 CE Units. Please visit our website for more information about the Professional Grooming Credential.


Jennifer Bishop-Jenkins
Owner, Love Fur Dogs