GroomTeam Conflict of Interest Policy

This policy helps to establish the highest standards in the pet styling profession as stated in the GroomTeam USA Inc.® Code of Conduct and guidelines for point acceptance.
GroomTeam USA, Inc.® Board Members, Officers, and Team Coordinator are prohibited from competing in GroomTeam USA Sanctioned Classes or judging Open Division in GroomTeam USA Inc.® Sanctioned classes.

  1. Competitors will not be eligible to earn GroomTeam points under the following conditions:
    • Accepting judging or apprentice judging assignments for any GroomTeam Sanctioned classes. There will be a waiting period of one year from the last class judged or the next team cycle, whichever is greater.
    • Entry provided by your judge(s).
    • Entry prepared by any judge(s) throughout the duration of the show.
    • Familial relationship with any judge(s) assigned during the timeframe(s) of
      that sanctioned class(es).
    • Personal Mentoring Relationship with judge(s) assigned during the timeframe(s) of that sanctioned class(es). (Excluding post contest critiques) including:
    • Private or semi-private instruction (less than six attendees) within four months of competition.
    • Instructor/Student/Apprentice within the last six months.
      Vested business relationship, defined as an involvement having the element of personal gain, within the last twelve months including but not limited to:
      • Employee/Employer/Subcontractor
      • Consulting
      • Professional Handling or Handling Assistant
      • Business Partnership or Venture
  2. Show Organizers must adhere to the following conflict of interest policies pertaining to GroomTeam USA Inc.® sanctioned classes to retain sanctioning status. Show management:
    • May not influence or advise contest placements.
    • May not utilize the services of judges who:
    • Are employees/employer (free-lance authors/sub-contractors are exempt).
    • Are directly involved with the planning and production of the contest.
    • Are relatives of show management.
    • Have a business ownership/partnership with show management.
    • Use professional handler services for/with show management.
  3. Judge/competitor conflicts of interest are ultimately the competitor’s responsibility, it is in the best interest of show management to hire judges that have retired from the competition ring.
    • Show Management should prohibit judges from:
    • Judging their students, relatives, or employees/employers.
    • Judging contestants with whom they have a vested business relationship.
    • Providing contest dogs to contestants in a class that they are judging.
    • Personally assisting a competitor with any dog entry preparation for the show duration.

GroomTeam USA Inc.® has the responsibility to quickly address issues directly related to the awarding of points as referenced in sections 1 and 2 above. To resolve issues, immediately submit a Grievance Form for the perceived infraction to the attention of the GroomTeam USA Inc.® Board of Directors, Team Liaison, or Team Coordinator. All other concerns should be brought to the attention of the Show Promoter/Contest Coordinator.